Why Is Roof Cladding Important?


roof cladding

Here at Roofclad Systems, we are specialists in roofing and cladding services with over 40 years experience. There are many different types of roof cladding options available for your businesses needs, we are always here to help you find the right one for you. Most people don’t pay much attention to their roof until there’s a problem. However, as industrial roof cladding specialists, we luckily have all the information you need! And remember your roof is one of the most important parts of your building as it protects you from many things such as the ever changing climate outside – especially as we live in the UK. 

What Is Roof Cladding? 

Roof cladding is essentially an extra layer on top of your roof which acts as a waterproof seal for the property, which keeps the elements out and those inside warm and dry. Roof cladding can come in a variety of different materials and here at Roofclad Systems we offer 4 types of cladding material. But, why is roof cladding so important? We are here to tell you exactly why…

Why Is It So Important To Have Roof Cladding On An Industrial Or Commercial Roof?

Why Is Roof Cladding Important?

Roof cladding is an integral part of any commercial property as it serves 5 major purposes, which are:


Installing roof cladding can provide insulation on your roof that can help to regulate the internal temperature of the building. Insulation can also provide an extra layer of soundproofing which can be beneficial if your industry creates a lot of noise that could cause disturbance to the surrounding area. Additionally, insulation from roof cladding also has the added bonus of providing a level of fire resistance to your building. This is dependable on the type of cladding you have, but Roofclad is able to advise you accordingly.

Weather Protection

Another great bonus of adding roof cladding to your building is that it can help to protect your building from the weather elements. Not only is roof cladding a waterproof layer that prevents moisture build-up in your roof’s surface but it can also provide additional internal protection with the right roofing materials. Excess sun, rain, wind and sub-zero temperatures can play havoc with commercial roofing and problems can occur without the extra layer of roof cladding. Extreme weather can penetrate roofs, cause cut edge corrosion and generally deteriorate your roof. By installing roof cladding, you can save on roof maintenance and repair costs in the long-run and significantly increase the lifespan of the roof.

Aesthetic Quality

Not only is roof cladding practical – it’s also aesthetically pleasing! The ideal thing about roof cladding is that it can be coated to match the existing aesthetic of your building. Therefore, roof cladding can also help increase the overall appeal of your building.

Secures Roof Structure 

By protecting the roof from the wind, sunlight, water absorption and more, it also helps to protect and increase the mechanical stability of the roof structure. Whether it’s an industrial building or a commercial building, all roofs need to that they have a secure roof structure.

Gives A Roof A New Lease Of Life 

Instead of replacing your roof, roof cladding can help to prolong the lifespan of your roof, whilst causing less disruption and coming at a lighter financial cost.

Choose Roofclad For Your Industrial Or Commercial Roof Cladding

Here at Roofclad, we install a range of roof cladding systems. Depending on your budget and your specific requirements, we can install roof cladding such as traditional built-up roof cladding, composite roof cladding, standing seam roofing systems and so on. Do not fret as Roofclad is dedicated to ensure the installation of roof cladding is relatively straightforward, so that there is minimal disruption to your site.

If you are interested in our roof cladding work, we have a portfolio of existing roof cladding options, so you can see the whole process which could help determine what roof cladding system is best for your business. If you’d like to learn more or enquire about our roof cladding services, contact us today on 0191 4107535 or email one of our friendly team members on enquiries@roofcladsystems.co.uk.